Life is so good..stay positive

What a great year so far in our business of photography, videography, and DJ . I come here once in awhile to post in our blog tips and experiences, and even sometimes complaints. I mean, isn’t it fair that if you are a business trying to do your best, that if a client complains about you, or your service, or the price. ect ect ect…that you should be able to air your frustration?

Some would say that being a male photographer that is now dominated by females would not be a good profession to step into. Now in our 8th year in business, we still have only 1 complaint that went so viral, that you would have thought somebody had died in the process and the murderer was still on the loose. I am a firm believer in Freedom of Speech..but there is a point that it becomes harassment, and that can come with consequences. I found this out the hard way back in May of 2024.

It was then when I was rushed into an emergency room, was in afib, my heart rate was 230 bpm and a whole host of issues that I was not even aware was going on…My left side of my heart was enlarged, I had pneumonia, was quite short on breath but that was an ongoing issue anyways, and after all the tests were concluded, I was told that I had stage 3 heart failure. I had stage 3 hypertension, my kidneys had been damaged, and my liver was showing signs of cirrhosis, and I havent had any alcohol for nearly 15 years. In addition..yep there’s more, It was found that I have 2 aneurysms on my main aorta that ascend out of my heart, left side, and then branch off to your brain and both lungs. I also was diagnosed with a rare condition of Ventricular Tachycardia on the left side of the heart that was enlarged, and Supraventricular Tachycardia on the right. One makes you feel like your gonna pass out because the blood pools in the chamber of your heart when in Afib and cannot pump enough blood out until the heart can either be defibbed or given a medication that forces the heart to “reset”…that was a real eye opener when they did that.

So how does this all involve Freedom of Speech.? Just a few days prior to my hospitalization I had received some really devastating information about a family member and how ill they were. After hearing about what happened and what was likely to happen, I just lost it. The speech I gave was to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I was literally pissed off..I mean I was angry, that after all these years this family member had lived such a good life, was a grandpa to his 9 grandchildren and they all cherished him, was a Christian man and lived a good life..that he would be leaving this world in the way he did. That day, I really questioned my faith if there was a God.

In just a few short days..I would learn that there really is a God….It was then I was hospitalized at Pro Medica Hospital in our hometown. After spending some soul searching, and attempting to get my blood pressure under control, I was discharged after a week of intensive care. They gave me 8 drugs..I mean 8 separate drugs to take. A new heart medication called Entresto, a new blood thinner called Xarelto, some Jardiance for the kidneys, a large dose of Amiodarone, a horse pill of Potassium…I have never seen such big pills, I had to take furosemide to keep the fluids down, Levothyroxine to help regulate the thyroid….some twice a day, and others just once a day.

I rarely get sick..up until this happened. I had learned that the high blood pressure and hypertension was a real issue and it took some time to get it regulated. Today, I have a good level of energy, manage my eating habits and stay away completely from salt and “try” to stay as much as I can away from sugar. The cost of all the medication even with Prescript Insurance is well, very high. But what are you supposed to do? I love the work we do and wouldn’t trade it for anything else. I’ve met so many beautiful Brides and Handsome Grooms. It’s still difficult to this day not getting teary eyed at a wedding. One such wedding with our Bride and Groom was just impossible to stay dry.

She had lost both of her parents in the same year. Mom from a heart attack, and Dad in an accident. I still shake my head to this day and speak to her asking if she and her husband are doing ok. I just don’t know how some folks deal with the loss of a parent, or a loved one so close to their wedding days. Needless to say, it would be hard for me to do.

I wrote about all of this for a couple of reasons. One reason is that each of us walk a different path, but in most cases, if not all, will reach the same destination..and that destination is death. So, all of us need to learn how to treat others in a fashion that is kind, polite, and respectful. Numerous times last year, I failed at that. I said things I shouldn’t have…acted in ways that I look back on and wonder if the meds i needed or the lack thereof was a contributing factor. I have a life long friend that I met in 1972 who is my best friend in life. We speak each day, share stories and laugh about our childhood. We have never once spoken ill of each other about anything. I have always respected him, and his worth to me is more than Gold. That’s the type of person I am striving to be to others. Is kind, compassionate, and respectful.

This world is so full of hateful and spiteful people. They love to read about someone’s misfortune and then use it as a form of entertainment. They read information like this, and then go make hundreds of comments throwing you to the wolves for even trying. They place a stigma on you as being a victim, mentally ill, unstable, stupid, and a whole host of other things that they find too tempting not to say. What a pathetic and horrible ending they have waiting for them….life is too short to find some kind of drama on a thread just to read about what the next big thing is going to be said so they can read it and spew their hate…pathetic

You can read about those kind of people in Romans Chapter 1. And as for interacting or having any type of relationship with them, you really dont need to. They are people with a reprobate mind. Useless.

If you are a future bride and groom, and you have booked with us, or are considering booking with us, dont let these social mongers ruin what type of relationship we can have as client and vendor. If you should have concerns or issues with our service for you, rest assured we will do everything we can to attempt to make you satisfied with our service.


Footnote. The pic used in this blog is an AI generated Pic, for those who need to know,