Brody and Elizabeth Hiller

Our first wedding to be filmed at the Irish Hills Wedding Barn, was with Brody and Elizabeth Hiller. I arrived at the venue quite early, before 9 am…and was the first one When we get a new venue to film at, I am always kinda concerned about the cosmetics, the structure and layout and like to spend a few hours ahead of time filming just the venue itself. Brody and Elizabeth’s choice of venue was excellent, with the Irish Hills Wedding Barn being a very popular venue to get married at.

I filmed the areas that I wanted for the wedding film, and as the day progressed, I found more an more that this wedding film was going to be a bit different. Brody’s family was awesome and friendly, and so was Elizabeth’s. It felt like I was right at home with family right from the start. Not to mention ( and I wont) our political affiliation aligned right up….and it made for a few discussions and laughs too.

When I had finished for the day, Brody ran into the wedding barn and came out with a nice gratuity. I wasn’t expecting that, and it was the added gesture that placed a smile on my face on the drive home. Watching for deer, which was a notorious area for them, I found myself thinking just how I wanted to present this wedding film. Elizabeth wanted a more traditional feel and family feel to the film, and so did Broady…nothing too flashy or over produced. The cosmetics and props all around the venue spoke out too and it was just a feel of having a traditional Barn wedding in the same fashion as a farmer would throw…..Our filming and style is a bit different and unique. We try to stay away from cookie cutter themes that most videographers have a tendency to use. Here are the end results….