Pat Casteel’s Birthday Celebration

Back in late 2011, I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. I had no clue I had it. Symptoms were mild to moderate, but most times I just chalked it up with my age. When I had met my wife, I had been celebrating my sobriety from a multiple year addiction to Alcoholism. I had been sober and staying away from the bottle for a couple of years. My future wife had listened to me discuss my mild to moderate symptoms and encouraged me constantly to seek medical help regarding my condition. It was as if she knew something that no one else did. She was right…and had I waited or just disregarded her encouragement to go, there would have been no life, no Vision Pro Studios, and no privilege like this one to be a part of Pat’s Birthday, who was also celebrating the anticipated news that she was in remission from her cancer. While I was working on a advertising campaign for our company, Pat’s daughter contacted me through a google search and hired us to film and photograph her Birthday Party